Primary Schools PE Xpo Entry Information
Entry Fee: Pay €20 per class entry fee.
For payment -cheques payable to ‘PEXPO’. Pay online via this website. Queries to
How to Enter: Please email the name of the school, the class and number of children, the class teacher and a telephone number to and follow the instructions on page 3 of the Primary School Information Booklet 2022. The Registration closing date Saturday 18th March 2022.
IPPEA Prizes: €50 voucher for the class teacher and €200 sports equipment voucher for the class for PE usage. There are also 2nd and 3rd prize awards.
The Project Brief: The primary school PExpo theme is 'What we have learned in Physical Education'. The teacher, with a selection of children, present their project as outlined on the PE Xpo website > Project Info Tab > Teachers Booklet, on the PE Xpo Zoom day. The children will keep a Physical Education Diary to record their learning based on Head, Heart, and Hands (Cognitive/ Knowledge learning, Affective/Emotional learning and Physical learning). The children will highlight their learning in a diary through the Head, Heart and Hands learning process. Seediary sample here.
Primary Schools Information Booklet 2022
My PE Photo Diary